Valentova 1728/1514900 Praha, Česká republika

You are a doctor (pharmacist) and want to work in the Czech Republic?

Steps to Obtain Professional Qualification as a Doctor in the Czech Republic with Qualifications Acquired Outside the EU:

Step 1: Diploma Recognition (Nostrifikace):

The application, diploma, and diploma supplement must be submitted by the doctor to the medical faculty of any university in the Czech Republic, where a comparison of study programs will be conducted. If the study program of the foreign medical faculty corresponds to the program of a Czech medical faculty, the doctor will receive recognition (nostrification) of their diploma.

Step 2: Certification (Aprobace):

The certification exam consists of three parts: written tests, a practical part, and an oral examination.

Test: Conducted in a single day, the exam is taken on a computer. The tests are divided into two parts: a test on professional knowledge and a test on legislation. The tests are in Czech, with a required minimum success rate of 70%, and multiple correct answers are possible. A doctor who fails either the medical or legislation test must reapply and retake both tests.

Upon successfully passing the test part, the candidate will receive permission for professional practice within the certification process by mail.

Practical Part: Completion of practical work in the relevant healthcare profession under direct professional supervision at an accredited facility for the certification exam in the Czech Republic, with a total duration of 6 months.

For general practitioners, the practical part includes:

  • 1 month in each department: ARO (Anesthesiology and Resuscitation), Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology, Pediatrics
  • 1 month in a department of choice from the above.

For dentists and pharmacists:


  • 6 months in a dental clinic or pharmacy.

During the practical training, the candidate must prepare 5 case studies (medical records). Upon successful completion of the practical part, the doctor will receive a certificate. The successful completion of the practical part is valid for 5 years.

Oral Examination: At the beginning, the doctor must defend the case studies prepared during the practical part. Then, the doctor will draw questions and have time to prepare. The oral exam for general practitioners is divided into two parts: Surgery + Gynecology/Obstetrics, and Internal Medicine + Pediatrics. Dentists and pharmacists have their oral exam on the same day.

After passing all parts of the certification exam, the Ministry of Health will issue a certificate of professional qualification, and the doctor may proceed to specialization training.

A doctor may apply for recognition of professional qualification only five times.

List of Official Websites with Information on

Obtaining Professional Qualification:

Diploma Recognition (Nostrifikace) UK ČR:

Recognition of Foreign Education for Medical Professions

Comparison of Educational Programs:

Rules for the Recognition of Foreign Higher Education as Equivalent to Higher Education Obtained at Charles University in the Master’s Degree Program in General Medicine and in the Master’s Degree Program in Dentistry

Application for Recognition of Professional Qualification by the Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education (IPVZ):

Sample Application for Diploma Recognition (Nostrifikace) UK ČR:

Exam Dates and Information from the Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education (IPVZ):

Accredited Institutions for the Practical Part of the Exams by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic:

Information support for Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, and other Healthcare Professionals

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